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课程简介:AMC是American Mathemaatiocal Competition的简称。AMC是美国竞赛,总部设于美国内布拉斯加大学林肯校区,AMC试题由简至难艰巨,使任何难度的学员都能感受到挑战,还可以筛选出特有天赋者AIME由AMC10和AMC12的优胜者参加,参加标准为:AMC10获得120分或国内外前2.5%,AMC12获得100分或国内外前5%,是介于AMC10/12及美国奥林匹克竞赛(USAMO)之间的一个竞寒,主要目的为USAMO选拔选手,进而通过夏季留学集训箭选出最终的6威IMO国家队成员,竞寒开始干1983年。2000年起AIME增加一场比赛,分为AIMEI/Ⅱ。USACO美国计算机奥赛报名日期:12.**************************-4.5考试内容:USACO每场比赛4-5个小时。可以在比赛规定时间开始后登陆USACO账号,从在线打开试题后开始计时。选手需要在时间结束前通过网络将写好的程序提交。程序提交后官网会给出用test case检测程序的结果,并根据结果给出这一题的得分。奖项设置:青铜,白银,黄金,白金沃顿KWHS投资竞赛The Knowledge@Wharton High School (KWHS) Investment Competition沃顿高校投资竞赛是一个全球性完全免费的网上竞赛,面对9-12年级的中学生以及教师开放,考验学生的合作能力,沟通能力,以及其面对风险的时候是否可以做到多样性的投资,考验学生对公司和行业的了解。
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课程简介:Algebra1课程 一对1/一对2/一对3定制班课 Cp1. Algebraic Expression Cp2. Solving Linear Equations Cp3. Solving Inequalities Cp4. Systems of Equations and Inequalities Cp5. Linear Functions Cp6. Exponents and Square Root Cp7. Polynomials and Factoring Cp8. Solving Quadratic Equations Cp9. Quadratic Functions Cp10. Data Analysis Cp11. ProbablityGeometry课程 一对1/一对2/一对3/定制班课 Cp1. Essentials of Geometry Cp2. Reasoning and Proof Cp3. Perpendicular and Parallel Lines Cp4. Congruent Triangles Cp5. Properties of Triangles Cp6. Quadrilaterals Cp7. Transformations Cp8. Similarity Cp9. Right Triangles and Trigonometry Cp10. Polygon Cp11. Circles Cp12. Surface Area and VolumeAlgebra2课程 一对1/一对2/一对3/定制班课 Cp1. Functions and Relations Cp2. Linear Functions as Mathematical Models Cp3. Quadratic Functions and Complex Numbers Cp4. Exponential Functions Cp5. Logarithmic Functions Cp6. Rational Functions(Part1) Cp7. Rational Functions(Part2) Cp8. Irrational Functions Cp9. Conic Sections(Part1) Cp10. Conic Sections(Part2) Cp11. Trigonometric Functions Cp12. Properties of trigonometric Functions Cp13. Triangle Problems Cp14. SequencesPrecalculus课程 一对1/一对2/一对3/定制班课 Cp1. A fresh look at the basic functions Cp2. Cartesian Two-Space Cp3. Parametric Equations in Two-Space Cp4. Limits Cp5. Derivative Cp6. Polar Two-Space Cp7. Vector Basics Cp8. Catesian Three-Space Cp9. Vector in Cartesian Three-Space Cp10. Alternative Three-Space Cp11. Matrices and Determinats Cp12. Counting Principle and ProbabilityAP-Calculus AB 一对1/一对2/一对3/定制班课 Part1. Functions, Graphs, and Limits Cp1. Analyis of Graphs Cp2. Limits of Functions Cp3. Asymptotic and Unbounded Behavior Cp4. Continuity as a Property of Functions Part2. Derivatives Cp1. Concept of the Derivative Cp2. Derivative at a Point Cp3. Derivative as a Function Cp4. Second Derivatives Cp5. Applications and Computation of Derivatives Part3. Integrals Cp1. Interpretations and Properties of Definite Integrals Cp2. Applications of Integrals Cp3. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Cp4. Techniques and Applications of Antidifferentiation Cp5. Numerial Approximations to Definite IntegralsAP-Calculus BC 一对1/一对2/一对3/定制班课 Part1. Functions, Graphs, and Limits Cp1. Analyis of Graphs Cp2. Limits of Functions Cp3. Asymptotic and Unbounded Behavior Cp4. Continuity as a Property of Functions CP5. Parametric, polar, and vector functions Part2. Derivatives Cp1. Concept of the Derivative Cp2. Derivative at a Point Cp3. Derivative as a Function Cp4. Second Derivatives Cp5. Applications and Computation of Derivatives Part3. Integrals Cp1. Interpretations and Properties of Definite Integrals Cp2. Applications of Integrals Cp3. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Cp4. Techniques and Applications of antidifferentiation Cp5. Numerial Approximations to Definite Integrals Part4. Polynomials Approximations and Series Cp1. Concept of series Cp2. Series of constants Cp3. Taylor series
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